Anatomical Pathology
Auto-Immune / Inflammation
Biogenic Amines
Clinical Chemistry
Diabetes / Obesity
Drugs / Forensic
Gastroenterology / Inflammation
Haematology / Coagulation
Pipettes / Liquid Handling
Point-Of-Care Testing / Rapid Tests
Research Products
Veterinary Diagnostics
Buhlmann Laboratories
CAST(Cellular Allergen Stimulation Test)
Buhlmann Laboratories offer a complete package for allergy diagnosis using ELISA & Flow-Cytometry technologies, which are capable of detecting over 120 allergens. The assay measures the in-vitro allergen-specific activation of basophils, and subsequent release of leukotrienes and CD63 expression. This unique technology is able to diagnose allergies that cannot be detected by routine sIgE measurements (the so-called “pseudo-allergies”). This method is currently being used to develop a vaccine against peanut allergy.
Anatomical Pathology
BioGenex is a global market leader in molecular pathology providing customer-centric solutions for complete automation of cell and tissue staining. Through proprietary cutting-edge technologies, the company has transformed the practice of slide-based staining performed in modern molecular pathology laboratories.Auto-Immune / Inflammation
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Buhlmann Laboratories offers kits for measurement of MRP 8/14 MRP8/14 (S100A8/A9) is a laboratory biomarker that has been reported to be useful in a number of inflammatory disorders including Rheumatoid arthritis (Ehrchen et al.; leukocyte biol, 2009). Its release at sites of inflammation makes MRP8/14 a potent acute phase reactant. MRP8/14 has raised widespread interest in studies of acute and chronic disorders. Our assays for MRP8/14 allow for precise and sensitive measurement of this promising marker. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic disease that causes inflammation of joints and surrounding tissues often affecting other organs as well. It is an autoimmune disease characterized by relapsing inflammatory conditions in the joint cavities. Infiltrating neutrophils, among other cells play an important role in maintaining the inflammatory conditions. The protein complex S100A8 and S100A9 (also referred to as MRP8/14) is known for its pro-inflammatory actions and thus is a valid target for monitoring progression of disease and/or response to therapy (Frosch M. et al.; Arthritis Rheum, 2000). Both, the BÜHLMANN MRP8/14 ELISA and the point of care testing by Lateral Flow technology (Quantum Blue® sCAL) offer reliable and fast analysis of serum MRP8/14 in different settings.
Anti-C1q antibodies
Buhlmann Laboratories also developed a kit for measurement of anti-C1q autoantibodies in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). This allows to determine the risk of developing an active lupus nephritis. The anti-C1q autoantibody ELISA can be used as a simple way to exclude the risk of renal flair in the following months. In the case of active lupus nephritis, consecutive determination of anti-C1q antibodies is a tool to evaluate the efficacy of immunosuppressive treatment.CIC (Circulating Immune Complexes)
Buhlmann Laboratories offers CIC kits for the prediction of renal flares in Lupus Nephritis. Circulating Immune-complexes (CIC) are detectable in a variety of systemic disorders. They provide useful, clinical information regarding immunopathology, prognosis and follow-up of rheumatic and autoimmune disorders. Bühlmann Labs offers a well-established and widely used assay that provides sensitive results within 2 hours.
Biogenic Amines
LDN has developed a wide range of assays for Biogenic Amines.
Biogenic amine is a chemically imprecise term, which, by convention, includes the catecholamines: Epinephrine (or adrenaline), Norepinephrine (or Noradrenaline) and Dopamine, the indoleamine Serotonin, the imidazolamine Histamine and compounds closely related to each of these. They are produced by decarboxylation of amino acids. These biogenic amines play key roles in neurotransmission and other signalling functions...

Clinical Chemistry
ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme)
Buhlmann Laboratories offers ACE measurement for a broad range of Clinical Chemistry platforms. ACE is a valuable marker to assess the activity of the chronic disease Sarcoidosis.In addition , Buhlmann has developed an assay for measurements below 12 for detection in Cerebro Spinal Fluid.
Buhlmann Laboratories offers Cystatin-C measurement for a broad range of Clinical Chemistry platforms. Cystatin C is a more reliable marker for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) assessment than the widely used method with creatinine.GHB (Liquid Ecstacy)
Buhlmann Laboratories has developed an assay for GHB on a broad range of Clinical Chemistry platforms.Diabetes / Obesity
Buhlmann Laboratories offers a Multimeric Adiponectin ELISA for diagnosis of Type II Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes Mediagnost offers the following assays : Adiponectin , Ghrelin , Leptin , Resistin
Drugs / Forensic

Buhlmann Laboratories offers Vasopressin RIA kits to aid in the diagnosis of Hypertension and Cardiac evaluation.Angiotensin II
Bone Markers
DIAsource have developed a wide range of test kits for diagnosis of defects in Bone structure.
Bones are continuously undergoing a dynamic process of resorption and absorption known as bone metabolism. Signaling pathways on which bone metabolism rely include the action of several hormones, including Osteocalcin, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and Vitamin D.

Growth Markers
Mediagnost offers the following assays :
Growth Hormone , IGF-1 , IGF-BP-1 , IGF-BP-2 , IGF-BP-3
Fertility / Reproductive
DIAsource has developed a wide range of Reproductive assays in RIA and ELISA.
In order to understand the causes of infertility and the role modern infertility treatment plays in assisting conception, it is useful to look at the natural process - a woman's ovulatory cycle and the production of sperm in the male - and the hormones that play a major role in those processes.
The gonadotropins are hormones that primarily affect the ovaries and the testes. They regulate the development and hormone-secreting functions of these organs and contribute to the production of sperm in the male and to the development and maturation of eggs (oocytes) in the female. Three
gonadotropins are essential to reproduction: human follicle stimulating hormone (hFSH), human luteinizing hormone (hLH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). FSH and LH are secreted by the pituitary gland situated beneath the brain. Their secretion is controlled by another hormone, the gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH) produced by the hypothalamus. hCG is primarily produced by the placenta following successful mplantation, and plays a role in maintaining pregnancy.
Gastroenterology / Inflammation

Buhlmann also offers test kits for drug level testing for Infliximab and Adalimumab.
Testing for Anti-Drug antibodies levels will be released shortly.
IBDoc® is the first in-vitro diagnostic home testing device measuring the inflammatory marker fecal calprotectin at home. The CalApp® turns your smartphone into a test cassette reader using state of the art image processing. Stool extraction is performed using the Calex® Valve that is characterized by its simple and convenient handling of stool samples. The secure connection of CalApp® with IBDoc® Portal allows Health Care Professionals to directly monitor patient results.IBDoc® is the first home testing application for fecal calprotectin in IBD patients. Based on BÜHLMANN’s long-lasting experience with calprotectin assays, IBDoc® allows IBD patients for convenient home testing of fecal calprotectin. Calex® Valve has been developed for simple and easy-to-handle stool extraction. The incorporated valve allows the precise application of 60 µl onto the test cassette. The CalApp® smart phone application available in Apple iTunes store and Google Play Store transforms smartphones into a test cassette reader.

BÜHLMANN IBDoc® is the first CE-marked home application for measuring the fecal inflammation marker calprotectin and has been developed based on BÜHLMANN’s long lasting experience in calprotectin assays.
MRP 8/14
Buhlmann Laboratories offers MRP 8/14 assay for the management of Acute Coronary Disease , Transplant Rejection and Rheumatic Arthritis.
CIC (Circulating Immune Complexes)
Buhlmann Laboratories offers CIC kits for the prediction of renal flares in Lupus Nephritis.
Circulating Immune-complexes (CIC) are detectable in a variety of systemic disorders. They provide useful, clinical information regarding immunopathology, prognosis and follow-up of rheumatic and autoimmune disorders. Bühlmann Labs offers a well-established and widely used assay that provides sensitive results within 2 hours.
A-C1Q Ab
Buhlmann Laboratories offers CIC kits for the prediction of renal flares in Lupus Nephritis. Measurement of anti-C1q autoantibodies in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) allows to determine the risk of developing an active lupus nephritis. Our anti-C1q autoantibody ELISA can be used as a simple way to exclude the risk of renal flair in the following months. In the case of active lupus nephritis, consecutive determination of anti-C1q antibodies is a tool to evaluate the efficacy of immunosuppressive treatment.
Haematology / Coagulation
Taylor are actively investigating contracts with suppliers of unique assays such as Holo-Trans-cobalamin.
Optistain (from dianova) is a premium product line, integrating selected antibodies for immunostaining of standard formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. With their key contacts in German pathological institutes and in close collaboration with academic institutes dianova will gradually expand the optistain IHC range with the addition of new, unique antibodies.The new anti-mutated Calreticulin antibody, clone (Cat DIA-CAL) detects all types of CALRETICULIN mutations in FFPE bone marrow biopsies. The finding that CALR mutations occur in the majority of patients with JAK2/MPL non-mutated ET and PMF has caused a strong demand for a simple assay detecting CALR mutations in MPNs. CAL2 immunohistochemistry is a sensitive, rapid and cost-effective method to identify all CALR mutations in MPNs.
The anti-IDH1 R132H antibody, clone H09 (Cat DIA-H09), has attracted enormous interest among Neuropathologists. This unique, point mutation specific antibody is an essential tool for routine diagnosis in Neuropathological laboratories, allowing differentiation between reactive gliosis and low grade glioma. This antibody enables the detection of single infiltrating tumor cells.
Antibody clone SZ31 (Cat DIA-310), is the only anti-CD31 antibody available worldwide that is effective on standard-formalin fixed paraffin-embedded mouse tissue. This makes this antibody extremely important for research and preclinical studies of Angiogenesis in mouse models, e.g. human tumor xenografts.
Another key product is the anti-His-Tag antibody (Cat DIA-900), which has a very high sensitivity when compared to other available clones (Biacore™: 3x 10-10M)
Manufacturer Product Highlights
- anti-mutated Calreticulin (clone CAL2)
- anti-IDH1 R1232H (clone H09)
- anti-ms CD31 (clone SZ31)
Buhlmann Laboratories offers a variety of Ganglioside ELISA assays for the diagnosis and differentiation of Neuropathies.
Anti-MAG (Myelin Associated Glycoproteins)
Buhlmann Laboratories offers an Anti-MAG ELISA kit for the differentiation of various Neuropathies.Anti-SGPG (Sulphate-3-Glucuronyl Paragloboside)
Buhlmann Laboratories offers an Anti-SGPG ELISA kit for the differentiation of various Neuropathies.Anti-Interferon Beta
Buhlmann Laboratories offers an Anti-Interferon Beta ELISA kit for monitoring therapy response of patients with MS.Mediagnost offers a modular test system facilitating the quantitative measurement of antigen specific human IgG and IgM antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. We offer a set of tests for detection of antibodies against the following antigens:
Myelin-basic protein (MBP)
Myelin-oligodendrocytic glycoprotein (MOG)
Meyelin associated glycoprotein (MAG)
Myelin Proteolipid Protein (PLP)
alpha B-Chrystallin (CRY)
In different neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica human autoantibodies seem to be of relevance in pathogenesis. Their diagnostic value is out of question, so detection of oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid is a standard procedure in multiple sclerosis diagnostics.
Pipettes / Liquid Handling
HUMAN offers a wide range of fixed and variable precision pipettes and also Multi-channel pipettes.Point-Of-Care Testing / Rapid Tests
Buhlmann Laboratories offers the Quantum Blue® rapid Point of Care (POC) Calprotectin test , and also for testing of drug levels of Infliximab and Adalimumab.
Trust Medical offer a Point-of-Care test for Cortisol which has proven to increase the success rate of AVS procedures in cases of suspected Hyperaldosteronism.
Research Products
EMC Biosciences
ECM Biosciences specializes in antibody-based technologies for life science research. The also offers blocking peptides, cell and tissue lysates, and gold or silver colloids that can be used across a range of research and diagnostic applications.
Fine-Test offer a huge range of Research ELISA test kits for multiple analytes to be measured in multi-species.
BioVendor is an innovative, rapidly growing biotechnology company. BioVendor’s key strength is its ability to develop and manufacture novel immunoassays, recombinant proteins, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies using the most advanced technologies.Veterinary Diagnostics
BioVet-Inc. develops and markets an extensive array of diagnostics kits that are simple to use , and an effective and quick way of detecting certain specific illnesses or to provide an accurate measure of Progesterone levels of animals , thereby increasing the chances of successful insemination.A team of experienced researchers devote their time and energy to develop new kits and optimise current assays.